Francis Borges da Silva

AUTHOR: Francis Borges da Silva
TITLE: FOLLOWING THE OX AND DISCOVERING THE TERRITORY - socio-territorial reflection of cattle ranching in Jataí (GO) municipality.  (SEGUINDO O BOI E DESCOBRINDO O TERRITÓRIO -reflexão socioterritorial da pecuária bovina no município de Jataí (GO).)
ADVISOR: Prof. Dr. Eguimar Felício Chaveiro (CAJ/UFG).
CONCENTRATION AREA: Organization, rural and urban space management of Brazilian Cerrado.
APPROVAL DATE: 09/15/2011



The Jataí (GO) municipality, is located in the Goiás southwest, whose territorial formation occurred amid the expansionism of livestock in Goiás lands. Considered as the main economic activity in the municipality until the 1970s, livestock, for over a century, was responsible for the dynamics and territorial configuration of the municipality - a condition changed with the arrival of modern agriculture (1970s). Currently, nationally prominent in grain production and seen as one of the municipality with the highest economic potential in Goiás, Jataí presents a reality in the field marked by the various interest games that circumscribe land use and occupation in the respective municipality. In this context, land control, an essential condition for the production and reproduction of capital in Jataí, as it is a municipality of agrarian economy, has been the center of numerous political, economic, environmental, social, cultural, debates, etc. With this in mind, this paper aims to analyze the current territory of livestock and the socio-economic and political representation of its productive class in Jataí, to the detriment of a decreasing increase in pasture areas and a significant increase in agricultural areas. Therefore, the work developed was based on readings and theoretical reflections of authors of the genre; fieldwork with interviews with farmers and ranchers; analysis of economic, political and social data collected in organs in the municipality, historically and geographically important, regarding the understanding of the territorial dynamics of Jataí (GO) municipality, established from a core relationship between livestock and land. Thus, the present research reveals how land tenure and control in Jataí still have a close relationship with the cattle ranch class, even though agricultural production is the great economic and social driver in the city in the last decades.


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