Eleida Andrade Garcia Macedo
The Jataí city is located in the Goiás Southwest Microrregion, in the Goiás state. The population, according to IBGE estimates (2010), is 88,006 inhabitants, of which 81,010 live in the urban space, which according to Santos and Videira (2010). IBGE classifies it as a small city, that is, less than 100,000 inhabitants. The study was conducted in two basins of Açude (Sapo) with 98% of urbanized area and Capoeira, with 2% of urbanized area. The objective of the research was to analyze the temperature and relative humidity, from January to December 2011, in the Açude (Sapo) and Capoeira basins, in a monthly scale in the urban and rural areas of Jataí, in relation to the urban density. The methodology was based on Monteiro's (1976) urban climate theory in the thermodynamic channel subsystem. Temperature and relative humidity data were collected by thermohygrometers (Data Logger, model HT-4000), installed at 6 points in the Açude basin (Sapo) with urban use, and 4 in the rural Capoeira basin. Hipsometri, slope exposure and land use were analyzed for temperature and relative humidity. Performed a monthly analysis through the spreadsheet of electronic calculations in the average, maximum and minimum. It was found that the variation of temperature and relative humidity in the Açude (Sapo), (urban) and Capoeira (rural) basin occurs due to the combination of hipsometry, slope exposure and land use. Temperatures were higher in the Açude (Sapo) basin (urban) than in the Capoeira basin (rural), point P5 had the highest temperatures with the highest construction density and the highest point in the Capoeira basin was P8 due to the exposure of the slope receiving radiation from the west sun in the afternoon and the lower temperatures in P7 which has the highest exposure in the morning. The largest thermal and hygrometric differences occurred in August, in the dry months, and the smallest in the rainy months. The largest hygrometric differences occurred during the dry season in August and September and the smallest in the rainy months. It was found that there's a variation of temperature and relative humidity between rural and urban.