Vanito Viriato Marcelino Frei

REFERENCE: Frei, Vanito Viriato Marcelino. A produção de caju e a dinâmica socioespacial no distrito de Angoche, Nampula - Moçambique [manuscrito] / Vanito Viriato Marcelino Frei. - 2013. Dissertação (Mestrado) – Universidade Federal de Goiás, Campus Jataí, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Geografia, 2013.
AUTHOR: Vanito Viriato Marcelino Frei
ADVISOR: Prof. Dr. Dimas Moraes Peixinho.
CONCENTRATION AREA: Organization of space in Brazilian Cerrado domains.
RESEARCH LINE: Organization, rural and urban space management of Brazilian Cerrado.
APPROVAL DATE: 03/01/2013



This work which defines itself as a qualitative, descriptive and exploratory research, is the result of the bibliographic and documental review and of the systematization of the data collected in the field, being that the evidence of the results was based on a sample of 60 aggregate familiars (AF) selected in the district of Angoche (DA). The work provides information about the historical process of organization of the cashew production (Anacardium occidentale, L) in Mozambique and its relation with the local productive space organization, particularly in the DA. This way, the work has as general goal to analyze the socio spatial dynamic in the DA, by the comprehension of the constitution and organization of the cashew nut production process. In specific terms the work aims: 1) to characterize and analyze the socio spatial organization of the cashew production, in the different stages of the Mozambican history, 2) to examine the established policies in the development ambit of the cashew sector and the impacts upon the socio spatial organization of the production, 3) to analyze how the socio spatial transformations unchained by the cashew production in Angoche participate in its spatial configuration. Aiming to reach those goals, the work undertook an effort in the direction of responding the following guiding questions of the research: 1) what’s the importance of cashew in the socio spatial organization of Angoche? 2) how does the cashew culture participate in the socio spatial conformation and dynamic of Angoche? The results of the research pointed to an increase on the volume of the cashew nut produced by AF in DA, as result of the policies of the Cashew Development Institute (INCAJU) which invests on revitalization initiatives of the national cashew park, through the resetting and the integrated handing of the cashew tree, with impact of the increase of the cashew planted area. That way, it was verified that in Angoche the cashew cultivation is explored in its almost totality in the dry regime and in combination with basic food cultivations. It was also verified that even in the regime of combination with basic food cultivations, the cultivation of cashew in Angoche, is changing and or extinguishing ancient forms of the local productive space organization and, creating at the same time, new ways of producing in the field. This verification is justified by the fact that the small producers of cashew are planting more and more cashew trees, or by the maximization of the farmlands destined to the cultivation of food cultures, or by expansion and/or the aggregation of new cultivation areas and the introduction of new production technologies. On what it refers to the structure, the work is shared in two parts: on a first moment, it aimed to analyze the production socio spatial organization of cashew in Mozambique and the policies conceived for the development of the sector since the colonial age, passing the post independence period and the civil war until de year of 2011. In a second moment the empirical results of the research are presented, with which we analyze the socio spatial dynamic of the DA, unchained by the cashew cultivation.



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