TITLE: PLURIATIVITY IN FAMILY AGRICULTURE: Study on Settlements Agrovila Rio Verdinho in Rio Verde (GO) and Nossa Senhora de Guadalupe in Jataí (GO) (A PLURIATIVIDADE NA AGRICULTURA FAMILIAR: Estudo nos Assentamentos Agrovila Rio Verdinho em Rio Verde (GO) e Nossa Senhora de Guadalupe em Jataí (GO).)
ADVISOR: Prof. Dr. Dimas Moraes Peixinho.
CONCENTRATION AREA: Organization, rural and urban space management of Brazilian Cerrado.
RESEARCH LINE: Environmental Analysis
APPROVAL DATE: 07/04/2017



Cultivating a land has transformed man and the practices of how he cultivates the earth; appropriating nature, it has produced different spatial forms over time. The organization of rural production has been marked by a diversification that goes from specialization to plurality of activities, from large enterprise production to production on small properties and possessions. This diversity involving the forms and organization of production is analyzed by scholars from various angles. Interpretations vary according to theoretical, historical and spatial perspectives. However, more than interpretations, reality is multiple and always requires updates that contribute to the understanding of reality. The research undertaken here is not intended to controversy with consolidated positions on theoretical issues, even assuming a position for the construction of this analysis. At this moment, we intend to reflect on the possibility of understanding the organization of family farming production from the logic of pluriactivity. Beforehand, it's recognized that there are other possibilities that deal with the subject competently. The theoretical-methodological path is presented as a training instrument that, once understood, makes it possible to think about the real reality. From this perspective, it's understood that, in general, in the current scenario, agriculture is undergoing a reorganization, in which corporate agriculture, especially based on monocultures that turn to the world market, and family production are responsible for supplying the internal market. In the process of land concentration the family farmer has lost production conditions and to continue on the land seeks some ways to maintain it, and pluriactive practices appear as possibilities. The guiding question of this research was: to what extent does pluriactivity contribute to the permanence of the family farmer in the field? The general objective was to understand the role of pluriactivity in family farming, besides performing the characterization of pluriactive activities in the researched place. The empirical investigation took place in the Agrovila Rio Verdinho Settlements in the municipality of Rio Verde-GO and Nossa Senhora do Guadalupe Settlement in Jataí-GO municipality, both located in the Southwest Goiás Microregion. This is a qualitative and exploratory research, based on surveys. bibliographical studies in national and international literature and in the conduct of documentary research through agencies related to agrarian and agricultural issues in Brazil. The survey of the empirical data occurred in three moments: first moment - pre-field - in order to understand the reality of the studied producers; second moment interview to profile the settlers and which families could be considered pluriactive; and finally a new interview with families classified as pluriatives. The presented results show that the agricultural, para-agricultural and non-agricultural activities are developed by several families. Thus, even identifying that in the set of activities practiced by the producers of the settlements studied there is a greater complexity than can be apprehended by pluriactivity, however, these practices occur and contribute to the permanence of family producers.


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