TITLE: CHALLENGES OF TEACHING PRACTICE IN GEOGRAPHY AND DIVERSITY OF STUDENTS: A Case Study in Elementary Schools of the final years in Iporá-GO. (DESAFIOS DA PRÁTICA DOCENTE EM GEOGRAFIA E A DIVERSIDADE DOS ALUNOS: Um Estudo de Caso em Escolas do Ensino Fundamental dos anos finais do Município de Iporá-GO.)

ADVISOR: Prof. Dr. Lana de Souza Cavalcanti

RESEARCH LINE: Organization, rural and urban space management of Brazilian Cerrado.

DEFENSE DATE: 02/01/2018



Education in Brazil has been gradually changing. Nowadays, there is still a struggle for an egalitarian and quality education for all citizens; despite transformations through laws, we still must fight for an education that aims diversity and prioritizes the teaching of Geography in the classroom. This teaching, as well as classroom practices, is essential in the teaching and learning of all students, which is why, to meet the educational demand in Brazil, the teacher needs to prepare didactically. In this context, it's necessary to reflect on all teachers about their training and practices in the classroom. It is noteworthy that only initial training does not offer subsidies to serve all young people in the classroom. This research emphasizes the importance of discussing teaching practice in the face of diversity, addressing that students enrolled in schools are diverse. From this perspective, some questions guided this work: how do teachers act in order to provide all students, in their diversity, learning in geography? How do teachers face the daily challenge of teaching geography to all students in their diversity? Along those lines, the general goal of this research was to understand how geography teachers face the challenge of teaching, in the classroom, students of the 6th grade of elementary school, final years, in schools of Iporá-GO. The specific goals are: to investigate whether the methodologies most frequently used by geography teachers meet the diversity of sixth grade students in the classroom of schools in Iporá-GO; identify if teachers recognize, through classroom actions, diversity; analyze teaching actions aimed at respecting diversity. For its realization, the research field was defined by the Israel Amorim State School and the Edmo Teixeira State School, both located in the city of Iporá-GO, which serve students of kindergarten, elementary school from early to final years. Some authors who contributed to the theoretical foundation of the work stand out: those that contemplate diversity, which are Capellini and Mendes (2004), Gomes (2017), Freitas (2011), Candau (2012), Sampaio (2011), Gadotti (1992), and those contemplating the teaching of geography, which are Cavalcanti (1998, 2005, 2008, 2010, 2012), Castrogiovanni (2010), Callai (2011), Castellar and Vilhena (2011), Santos (1988), among others. For the development of the work, the case study was used, which is a type of research employed in qualitative approach research. Thus, three data sources were analyzed: documentary research (PCNs, LDB and PPP), observation of Geography classes and semi-structured interviews with teachers. The analysis of the data showed that it's necessary to rethink the teacher education and performance of the teacher in the classroom in the face of diversity. With this research, it's expected that professionals are led to reflect on their classroom practices, considering that all students are entitled to a good quality education.

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