CALL N. 003/2018

The PPGGeo from the Federal University of Goiás - Jataí Regional - makes public the enrollment opening in the Selection Process for entry in the 1st semester of 2019.

PPGGeo aims to enable professionals to work at several levels of education and research, with a view to regional development and planning, considering environmental and territorial issues, providing the necessary conditions for the preparation and dissemination of knowledge in Geographic Science.

It may apply to the PPGGeo selection process, Masters level, candidates who have a bachelor of arts or bachelor of science in Geography and/or related areas.

It may apply to the PPGGeo selection process, Doctorate level, candidates who have a Masters in Geography and/or related areas.

Candidates may prove that, by means of a declaration, the title completion required in this announcement, prior to the date of the first enrollment in PPGGeo.


REGISTRATION: registration period will be from 01/15/2019 to 01/29/2019 from Monday to Friday, excluding holidays, from 8:00 am to 12:00 pm and from 1:00 pm to 5:00 pm, at the UFG/REJ Postgraduate General Secretariat, located at the Jatobá Campus Graduate Building, BR 364, Km 192, No. 3,800, PO Box 03, Zip Code 75801-615, Jataí Regional, Jataí - GO. (Prédio da Pós-graduação, Campus Jatobá, BR 364, Km 192, n.º 3.800, Caixa Postal 03, CEP 75.801-615, Regional Jataí, Jataí - GO.) Phone (0xx64) 3606-8216. Email: sgp.ufg@gmail.com


WARNING: The Registration Fee (GRU) Collection Guide, in the amount of R$120.00, will be provided at the Postgraduate General Secretariat or via email (sgp.ufg@gmail.com), by sending the name Name, CPF, Full Address: Street, Number, Neighborhood, Zip Code, City and State.


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Última atualização em Quarta, 13 de Março de 2019, 09h20.

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