CALL N. 01/2019

The Geography Postgraduate Program (PPGGeo) Coordination of the Federal University of Goiás - JATAÍ REGIONAL, in the use of its legal and regulatory attributions, makes public, for the interested ones, that it's open the registration for the special student - 2019 for the Geography Postgraduate Course, Masters and Doctorate levels in the concentration area: ORGANIZATION OF SPACE IN BRAZILIAN CERRADO DOMAINS and is constituted in two Research Lines, namely: Line 1: Brazilian Cerrado Environmental Analysis; Line 2: Organization, rural and urban space management of Brazilian Cerrado.



Registrations Period: March 18-19, 2019, from 08:00am to 12:00am and from 1:00pm to 4:00pm at the UFG/REJ Postgraduate General Secretariat, located in the Jatobá Campus Postgraduate Building located in the University City José Cruciano de Araújo, Highway BR 364, Km 195, N. 3,800, Zip Code 75801-615, Jataí Regional, Jataí - GO. Phone (64) 3606-8216; Email: sgp.ufg@gmail.com; (Prédio da Pós-graduação, Campus Jatobá - Cidade Universitária José Cruciano de Araújo, Rodovia BR 364, Km 195, n.º 3.800, CEP 75.801-615, Regional Jataí, Jataí - GO.) 


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Última atualização em Sexta, 22 de Março de 2019, 10:19.


Call N. 01/2019

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Special Student Selective Process Final Result

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