Suzana Ribeiro Lima Oliveira

REFERENCE: Oliveira, Suzana Ribeiro Lima. Formação do conceito de Cerrado e o ensino de geografia: análise dos conhecimentos geográficos de alunos do ensino médio da rede pública estadual de Jataí/Goiás/ Suzana Ribeiro Lima Oliveira. - 2012. Dissertação (Mestrado) – Universidade Federal de Goiás, Campus Jataí, 2012.
AUTHOR: Suzana Ribeiro Lima Oliveira
TITLE: FORMATION OF CERRADO CONCEPT AND GEOGRAPHY TEACHING: Analysis of geographic knowledge of high school students from the state public network of Jataí/Goiás. (FORMAÇÃO DO CONCEITO DE CERRADO E O ENSINO DE GEOGRAFIA: Análise dos conhecimentos geográficos de alunos do ensino médio da rede pública estadual de Jataí/Goiás.)
ADVISOR: Prof. Dr. Lana de Souza Cavalcanti.
CONCENTRATION AREA: Organization of space in Brazilian Cerrado domains.
APPROVAL DATE: 03/01/2012



The Cerrado is located in Central Brazil. It's the second largest morphoclimatic domain by territorial extension and has a great biodiversity, being considered one of the main domains of the country. According to some scholars, approximately 80% of its biodiversity has been altered, and consider that the expansion of agribusiness is the main threat to the Cerrado, causing a risk of extinction in many species of fauna and flora, because of the 2,038,953 km², 48, 37% have already been deforested. In Goiás the situation is more aggravating, the rate is 65.11%. Preservation parks represent only 1% of all Cerrado. In addition to these problems, there's one that is linked to the educational area. It's verified that study of the Cerrado doesn't enter as one of the fundamental contents for the high school of the state public network of Jataí and consequently, the students do not make great descriptions on the subject. Thus, it's noticed that the students don't present discourse of belonging or conservationist ideology, do not recognize the social and environmental issues present in the tight environment. From this north, what are the images and social representations of the public school students of Jataí about the Cerrado domain? Are these social representations that the teaching of geography has mediated and/or wants to mediate? The aim of this paper was to analyze the teaching of Cerrado by Geography in high school, in order to understand how the concept of Cerrado is being formed and to analyze the influence that teaching has on students who will be space agents in the near future. The specific goals were: to survey the social representations of Jataí state high school students about the Cerrado domain, to analyze the pertinence of the concepts with the use of authors from the area, and to verify the existence or inexistence of acquisition. knowledge, attitudes, beliefs and values ​​of the subjects in relation to the object of study. The research is directed in four moments. In the first and second moment, we sought to capture students' speeches in order to gather preliminary knowledge about the notions they present about the Cerrado morphoclimatic domain. Subsequently, the data were collected using the Free Word Association (ALP) technique, which allows access to the cognitive elements of the subjects. Students were asked five loose words without forming sentences for each question linked to the Cerrado theme, such as: Cerrado é? This procedure led to the identification of the structural elements and the content of social representations. After proceeding to data collection, they were processed using the Ensemble Permettant l'analyse des evocations (EVOC) software, which presents the evocations arranged by frequency and average order of enunciation. The study shows as indicative that the social representations about the Cerrado concept in state high school in Jataí are focused on the recognition of the existence of natural aspects and the social and environmental issues were not listed by the interviewed group. With this in mind, the present work raised questions and alternatives for a reflection of the teaching practices of Geography developed in the classroom in high schools in Jataí on the Cerrado theme, through the analysis of the official documents and the Pedagogical Political Projects of each It's one of the schools involved and proposes changes that favor decision-making for the education of today's students in future citizens who are committed to the social and environmental issues of the place where they live.


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